Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thurs, May 1

THURSDAY, MAY 01, 2008 10:33 PM, CDT
Today, I had a blood tranfusion (2 bags) and one bag of platelets. Took from 8:30 until almost 4:00. I had the twins with me all day (it was only supposed to take 4 hours) to do They got lots of homeschool done, though.
It's 1030 and my temp is still 100.2. I took 2 tylenols and hope it goes down. I 'm really wiped out , though. My white counts have continued declining all week. I go in on Saturday to see how far the transfusions helped.

Tues, April 29

TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2008 10:49 AM, PDT
I think I did too much today. I needed to buy some more school supplies for the kids, so mom drove me. And since we were out, we stopped by the fabric store to get some material to make some cool head scarves. Oh, and, just around the corner is the consignment store for women and I got some clearance items because all my clothes got boxed up at home. It all took 2 1/2 hours and I was wiped out the entire rest of the day.
I'll try not to do that again.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2008 10:13 AM, PDT
Today, I felt up to going to church with my parents and my husband and kids who were all with me. The talks were inspirational and moving about personal revelation. I loved the spirit in that meeting.
Wayne and Bryn always come Saturday evenings through Sunday evenings and we love it!
Wayne described to me all that has been happening at our house. How amazing! People coming in all the time helping rip out carpet, pads, tack strips, cleaning, packing. I am totally humbled by the service rendered to our family and want to express my deepest gratitude. He describes the beautiful laminate flooring that was delivered and all the people helping rip out dry rot in the bathroom. It is the most unexpected and overwhelming service either one of us can imagine happening to us. Thank you for all those who are doing anything at all. Thank you.

SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2008 06:22 PM, CDT
To my friends and family: I want to express my gratitude for those who have come to the nasty hostible (my nephew, Christophers interpretation of hospital) to visit with me. I absolutely love having sweet friends and family come but sometimes I don't feel on top of the world (I know, duh!) But, I have felt bad about a couple of times being inhospitable (cool pun, huh?) when I've been mizabo (miserable).
What I really want to express is that distraction is the name of the game in the hospital. Playing games (I have a storehouse there at all times...self-preservation) and I have a good collection of great books from which, if I'm sorta loopy, I would love to have someone just sit and read to me and not mind too much if I nod off. This is such a long haul of treatment. I am usually at St Joseph's on the 10th floor in either A or C quad for 5-8 days every 2-3 weeks. I will post in this journal when I'm back in and how I'm doing.
Again, thank you all so much for everything (so many of which I am totally clueless about) to help my wonderful husband and family. The separation, particularly at this terrible time, seems cruel. The kids are split up. They don't see their friends. Everything is so upside down and twisted.
My testimony is sure. More sure than ever. I am so grateful for blessings I had and took for granted...but no more. I love the Savior. I love my Heavenly Father. and I love the Comforter who does just that. Life is so good.

SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2008 08:18 AM, PDT
One of the challenges of chemo is having to drink a gallon of water per day. Aren't we all supposed to be doing THAT anyway? Flush out impurities? Yup. But, this lovely chemo burns my insides from my lips and mouth, through the digestive tract and intestines and on out the other end. Yahoo. It tends to make my tummy feel pretty bloated and unsettled.
I was just discussing with my sweet parents last night how last year I was veritably revelling, albeit with a dose of guilt, that my life was pretty easy. Kids, job, homeschool, house, adoring husband...the whole bit. I had actually thought in my head that if I were to be a little sick and incapable of doing my normal duties, I would have lots of time to study the scriptures, pray and develop a deep relationship with my Father in Heaven. VOILA!
Guests and friends of mine...be careful what your very thoughts are.
And, so, I have the time. Not so much the energy, but certainly plenty of time. I can go slow. It's all good. I am blessed with my mom, dad, niece and daughter who love to read to me when all I can do is close my eyes and listen. I have been transposing the talks given last and this general conference by Elder Holland addressing our very Christianity. I cannot pray without absolutely blubbering like a baby. (They'll probably stop asking me to pray soon)
I try really hard not to think of what my life was before the cancer. I get way too sad and it takes a lot to bounce back from. I can't really even think of the months of chemo in front of me. Does the same thing. What I have, always, is just today. Just today. And, I am almost always grateful for what today is. (Just being real...)
I will indulge just for one moment how very much I miss my husband. One doesn't think about the simple joys and pleasures of actually living with your sweetheart. To see his sweet face every morning. To be hugged every time we are near each other. Just the wink and the smile we exchange. I miss being in my own home. I even miss having to keep up my home. (Well, maybe not the dishes :) ) I miss being in church, partaking of the sacrament, listening to the testimonies and talks of good saints. I miss sitting with my family on the front right pew trying, albeit in vain sometimes, to pay better attention.
I miss teaching Relief Society. I miss being with the sisters.
I do want to express my gratitude to all the good saints of my ward and stake who have helped my husband with the house. I hear that my entire house has been packed up as if we were moving, the carpet ripped out and the floor being prepped for a hardwood surface. This whole thing is rather unnerving as I have no say or influence over what is happening. I have no way to cover up my messes before the world comes in to help. Embarrasstacating in the mostess.
What I have is today. Gratefully, I have today. My job is to make the most of every day, and to bring myself closer to the Lord. He is there waiting for me to move closer, anxiously.
I look forward to reading your comments whenever you have time to check in with this journal. Thank you for your love, prayers and concern for our family.
You have today. What will you do with it?

THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2008 05:45 PM, PDT
Rachel got her mission call today. Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg Mission. She reports to the MTC August 13.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2008 05:47 PM, PDT
Released from St Joe's after 6 days of chemo. It is so nice to be back home with my parents. It's nice to smell real odors and not have everything smell and taste like chemo. It's very nice to be relaxing with my family....to hear my children's voices and the tender touches of my parents. My mom is so careful about all my meds